Kujaku Ryu
The program of the kyu-grades has been build around on central theme: tai-sabaki-no-kata; a basic exercise that teaches the basic techniques that are practised in the different grades.
In every grade also other techniques are treated so that the student has access to a great variety of techniques that will enable him to defend himself or to develop his (martial) art.
In the program of 2° kyu, besides learning sutemi waza, also defences against armed attacks are taught in which all basic techniques are applied.
In the program of 1° kyu an elaborate study is made of atemi waza (kicking and punching techniques), while also two karate kata are introduced.
For 1°, 2° and 3° dan the following items are studied:
For 4° and 5° dan the emphasis lies on personal development.
Goshin Jitsu No Kata
Still available!
Satori Kwai Mortsel
Still available!
van Toog tot Toga
Still available!
Stop Agressie!
Kodokan Goshin Jutsu
Still available!